JUST LEFT FEEL RIGHT - Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum
2016, curated by Amy Smith-Stewart
March 5th - September 4th 2017
The Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum
258 Main St, Ridgefield, CT

Installation view of Just Left Feel Right exhibition, The Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum, 2017

Installation view of Just Left Feel Right exhibition, The Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum, 2017

Installation view of Just Left Feel Right exhibition, The Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum, 2017

Installation view of Just Left Feel Right exhibition, The Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum, 2017

Runners Up, 2014‒16
99 pieces of sandblasted, fused glass with photo resist, 7 x 4 x 1/4 inches each

Runners Up, 2014‒16 (detail)
99 pieces of sandblasted, fused glass with photo resist, 7 x 4 x 1/4 inches each

Runners Up, 2014‒16 (detail)
99 pieces of sandblasted, fused glass with photo resist, 7 x 4 x 1/4 inches each

Runners Up, 2014‒16 (detail)
99 pieces of sandblasted, fused glass with photo resist, 7 x 4 x 1/4 inches each

Runners Up, 2014‒16 (detail)
99 pieces of sandblasted, fused glass with photo resist, 7 x 4 x 1/4 inches each

Runners Up, 2014‒16 (detail)
99 pieces of sandblasted, fused glass with photo resist, 7 x 4 x 1/4 inches each

Installation view of Just Left Feel Right exhibition, The Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum, 2017

Wall Paper (detail)

Shot in DC, 1995
Acrylex, clay, polyester sheet on newspaper, 22 x 27 inches

Shot in DC, 1995 (detail)
Acrylex, clay, polyester sheet on newspaper, 22 x 27 inches

LA Uprising, 1994 (detail)
Mixed media with newspaper
Portfolio of 20 works on paper
22 x 27 inches each; 88 x 135 inches overall

LA Uprising, 1994 (detail)
Mixed media with newspaper
Portfolio of 20 works on paper
22 x 27 inches each; 88 x 135 inches overall

LA Uprising, 1994 (detail)
Mixed media with newspaper
Portfolio of 20 works on paper
22 x 27 inches each; 88 x 135 inches overall

Installation view of Just Left Feel Right exhibition, The Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum, 2017

Pet, 2003
Charcoal and acrylic on linen, 36 x 29 inches

Pump, 2010
Ink, charcoal, polymer on linen, 25 x 23 inches

Dig (an action painting), 2010
Charcoal, pastel, oil on linen, 16 x 20 inches

Vertical Bore (an action painting), 2010
Charcoal, pastel and oil on linen, 20 x 16 inches

Bore, 2010
Oil on linen, 25 x 27 inches

Drill (an action painting), 2010
Charcoal,pastel and gesso on linen, 20x16 inches

Ronnie Coleman (ideal proportions), 2014
Dry pigment, polymer and oil on linen, 84 x 72 inches

Top Ten: Jackie $50,000,000.XX, 2016
Polymer, archival glitter, charcoal and oil on portrait linen, 72 x 60 inches

BO$$, 2013
Flashe and oil on linen, 34 1/2 x 57 inches

MC Lyte and Tam Tam, 2011
Polymer and oil on linen, 22 x 20 inches

Jayne Cortez and the Firespitters, 2011
Polymer and oil on linen, 22 x 20 inches

Roxanne, Roxanne, 2011
Polymer, charcoal and pastel on linen (diptych), 46 x 70 inches overall

DA BRAT, 2013
Gesso and polymer on linen, 20 x 20 inches

Untitled from Intersections and Interuptions, 1999
acrylic, enamel, charcoa and ball point pen on canvas, 30 x 24 inches

Domestic Terrorism: Dibee NCIC W108732930, 2015
Charcoal, polymer, spray paint and oil on linen, 84 x 96 inches

Installation view of Just Left Feel Right exhibition, The Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum, 2017

The Shape of Fear, 2012
Ink and paint marker on paper, 9 x 12 inches

Since Oklahoma After Johns Before Tomorrow (SPLC), 2015
Chalkboard paint, pastel and spray paint on linen, 78 x 123 inches

NOW, 2015
Dry pigment, mica and glitter on linen, 49 x 59 inches

Installation View, Solutions V for Sigmar Polke, 2012
Oil and graphite on 10 sheets of canvas paper, 15 x 18 inches each

38 pages, Fully-illustrated
Softcover, perfect bound
Limited edition poster, hand stamped back cover
Essay by Amy Smith-Stewart
Published by The Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum, 2017
Design by Gretchen Kraus
ISBN: 978-0-9976615-5-2